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2013-04-28 — Proclaiming the Gospel in a Hostile World

Easter 5 – April 28, 2013

THE SERMON: Acts 13:44-52

Theme: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Hostile World

I. Facing Hostility

II. Knowing the Power of the Gospel

III. Being Filled with Joy and the Holy Spirit

Pastor Theodore W. Barthels

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (237:1)

HYMNS: 1; 769; 761; 800

THE EPISTLE LESSON: Revelation 21:1-6

We have perfect joy awaiting us in the New Jerusalem. All the pain and sorrow and frustration of this life will be gone forever. God will wipe every tear from the eyes of those whom He shall bring into the glory of that new heavens and new earth. God shall dwell with us, and all that are there shall be the people of God!

THE GOSPEL LESSON: John 13:31-35

God is glorified in Jesus and the salvation which He alone could bring to this sinful earth. Jesus has gone before us, into death and then to the glory reserved for Him in heaven. Though we cannot go to be with Him now, He has reserved a place for us in heaven also. Now while we await His glorious return let us live in love for one another. Christian love is the mark of true discipleship.

Sermon: 2013-04-28-sermon

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