Trinity Date: May 26, 2013
– THE SERMON: Romans 5:1-5
Theme: The Triune God – the God of Our Salvation
I. Justified by God the Father in Christ
II. Equipped for Life with God’s Grace
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )
Bulletin: Read Bulletin
Sermon: Read Sermon
THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (237:1)
HYMNS: 239; 243; 245; 377:10
THE GOSPEL LESSON: John 16:12-15
Jesus assures the disciples that even as He removes His visible presence from this world the truth of our salvation shall be established by the Holy Spirit. What we receive from the Spirit is not different, but the same gospel, the same salvation which the Father has entrusted to the Son. Father, Son and Holy Spirit agree in God’s united message of grace and truth.
God instructs the priesthood in blessing His people. The Lord presents Himself to us with grace. The Lord presents Himself in a threefold blessing representing the Triune God as the One True God. The Lord presents Himself as the covenant God of our salvation. He looks upon us with His divine favor, and we live in His peace.