Second Sunday after Pentecost: Date: June 2, 2013
– THE SERMON: Luke 7:1-10
Theme: Centurion of Capernaum: an Example of Genuine Faith
I. A Fruitful Faith
II. A Humble Faith
III. A Confident Faith
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )
Bulletin: Read Bulletin
Sermon: Read Sermon
THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (237:1)
HYMNS: 38; 753; 457; 428; 644
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Galatians 1:1-10
Paul presents to the gentiles of Galatia the one true God who brings us grace and peace. This God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ delivers us from this present evil age. There is only one gospel that brings this salvation: Jesus died for our sins and rose again. No matter how popular it may be, any message adding human works or merit to this message is no gospel at all!
THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: 1 Kings 8:22,23,41-43
When Solomon dedicated the temple his confession was the clear and simple truth; There is only one true God. The true God is the covenant God who keeps His promise of life and salvation for those who walk before Him in faith. This is not limited to the people of Israel. Solomon prayed that the Lord answer also the prayers of the many who have come to know and believe in God, so that all the world may know that there is only this one true God, the God of our salvation.