Pentecost 5: Date: June 23, 2013
– THE SERMON: Luke 9:18-24
Theme: Knowing Christ Means Knowing the Cross
I. Jesus Is the Christ Crucified for Us
II. We as Disciples Take up the Cross and Follow Him
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )
Bulletin: Read Bulletin
Sermon: Read Sermon
THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (237:1)
HYMNS: 390; 245; 421; 453:2
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Galatians 3:23-29
Jesus’ coming is the focus of the law. The Old Testament Scriptures lead to Christ. Now we live by faith in the Son of God. We have been baptized into Christ, and so we have put on Christ. He is our life. As His disciples, no matter who we are or where we have come from we are Christ’s. We are one in Him. Through faith we are all the spiritual children of Abraham and heirs of eternal life!
The Lord would raise the sword against the Shepherd He appointed over His sheep, even the One that was His own Companion, the very Son of God incarnate. He would strike the Shepherd and the sheep would be scattered, the disciples would be offended and flee, but out of the adversity, and testing of the people of God a true and faithful remnant would arise. God call them, “My people.” By the gracious calling of God we are included among these blessed people. We are among those who confess, “The Lord is my God.”