Pentecost 9: Date: July 21, 2013
– THE SERMON: Genesis 18:1-14
Theme: Presenting A Proper Reception for the Lord.
I. Welcoming the Lord into Our Homes and Lives
II. Honoring the Lord by Our Reception of His Word
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )
Bulletin: Read Bulletin
Sermon: Read Sermon
HYMNS: 16; 366:1-4; 306:1-5; 309
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Colossians 1:21-29
The Lord has reconciled us, who were His enemies because of our wicked works. Because of His grace we are above reproach in His sight! Let us continue in the faith, hearing the Word, remaining steadfast in the hope of the gospel.
THE GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 10:38-42
Mary and Martha were both pleased to have Jesus as a guest in their home. They welcomed the Lord in different ways. Martha was distracted with much serving. She sought to honor the Lord by doing for Him what she was able to do, serve Him. Mary welcomed Jesus as she sat at His feet, receiving His Word. Let us not be distracted from hearing the Word by the busyness of life, let us rather honor the Lord by hearing His Word.