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2013-07-28 — In Christ We Possess a Complete Relationship with God.

Pentecost 10: Date: July 28, 2013

THE SERMON: Colossians 2:6-15

Theme: In Christ We Possess a Complete Relationship with God.
I. In Christ We Possess a Complete Salvation
II. In Christ We Have A New Life.
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE:p. 5 (38:1-3 as Gloria in Excelsis)

HYMNS: 456; 457; 408; 453:1,2

When asked for a lesson in prayer, Jesus presents the model prayer we know as the Lord’s Prayer, a prayer that teaches us the importance of having spiritual matters predominate, and that not only for ourselves, but for the Lord’s kingdom. He also presents an important lesson in persistence in prayer. If we would not hesitate to persist in asking a close friend for assistance in time of need, so we should never hesitate to keep on asking, keep on seeking from the Lord, keep on knocking at the gates of heaven for grace to help in time of need. The Lord will bring help according to His gracious good will for us.
We see in Abraham both boldness and persistence in prayer, as he prays, not for himself, but the people of a nearby city. This intercessory prayer reminds us that we too should remember others in our prayers that the Lord might be gracious upon them and deliver them from His judgment.