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2013-10-20 — Coming to Grips with God’s Will for Us.

Pentecost 22: Date: October 20, 2013

– THE SERMON: Matthew 28:16-20

Theme: Coming to Grips with God’s Will for Us.
I. Holding Fast to the Promises of God
II. Wrestling with God in Prayer
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 456; 457; 310; 309
THE EPISTLE LESSON: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Hold tight to the Holy Scriptures. They reveal the truth of our salvation. They come to us from God by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They are true to the last detail! We live in the time Paul warned of, the time when many will not tolerate the truth, but would rather find preachers that will say what they want to hear, what is politically correct and socially acceptable, but does not lead to God.

We ought always to pray, and not lose heart! That was the point of Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow who would not leave the unjust judge alone. He finally gave her justice, not because he cared about her, but to get peace for himself. The Lord does care about us, and desires to hear us, so we should pray with all the more confidence that the Lord will give us what is right and good for us. Even so Jesus wondered aloud, in the end would He find faith on the earth? Lord keep us ever in true faith unto eternal life!