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2013-12-15 — John the Baptist’s Message: What is it Really All About?

Advent 3: Date: December 15, 2013

– THE SERMON: Matthew 3:1-12

Theme: John the Baptist’s Message: What is it Really All About?
I. It is NOT about the Externals, but Rather Confession.
II. It is NOT about Social Status, but rather about Proper Fruits.
III. It IS all about Jesus and the Wonder of His Grace.

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 69; 61; 63; 313:1
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Romans 2:12-16
The law condemns us all and reveals that we have no righteousness of our own that avails before God. It is not enough to hear the law or know the law, but one must fulfill the law. Even those who don’t have the Scriptures in their hands have a natural knowledge of the law of God with their consciences bearing witness of this and either accusing them or making excuses for ones sin.

This is one of the richest gospel prophecies in which the Lord urges the prophet to come to Comfort His people and to assure them that their warfare is over, for our iniquity has been pardoned and we have received a double portion of grace to cover all our sins. The ministry of John the Baptist is foretold, as this prophecy calls for us to prepare the way of the Lord and make a spiritual highway for our God, Christ the Lord. So we also join in proclaiming the good tidings.