Advent 4: Date: December 22, 2013
– THE SERMON: Isaiah 2:2-5
Theme: The Glory of Mount Zion Established in Jesus’ Advent
I. The Mountain of the Lord’s House Is Exalted
II. He Brings Us Personal Wisdom and Transformation
III. He Transforms the World with His Judgment and Peace
( Pastor Theodore Barthels )
Bulletin: Read Bulletin
Sermon: Read Sermon
HYMNS: 55; 62; 76; 645:5
THE EPISTLE LESSON: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
We see our calling. It was not our wisdom or our power or our nobility that caused God to choose us for salvation. It was His grace. He choose that which the world sees as foolish, or weak, or common to put to shame that which is mighty. Jesus is our wisdom and righteousness and sanctification. We cannot glory in ourselves. We are led by the Spirit to glory in the Lord.
Mary’s opening words not only give us a name for her song, but sets the tone for every Christian heart and life, especially in the Christmas season. My soul magnifies the Lord. It is the greatness of the glory of Lord who has revealed to us His salvation that causes our hearts to rejoice in God our Savior. This timeless truth, fulfilled in Christ, scatters the proud and exalts the lowly. Yes, Mary was blessed to be chosen as the mother of our Lord, but we also are richly blessed with the grace and mercy which has come to us in Christ Jesus.