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2014-05-18 — The Vineyard of the Lord

4th Sunday after Easter: Date: May 18, 2014

– THE SERMON: Isaiah 5:1-7

Theme: The Vineyard of the Lord
I. God’s Faithful Care of the Vineyard
II. The Vineyard’s Fruit
III. The Lord’s Rejection of Wild Grapes

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 758; 411; 754; 313:3
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Revelation 3:7-11
God sees and appreciates those who are faithful to His Word and persevere in true faith in spite of the opposition of the world and the devil. He will preserve the faithful from every evil and the severe testing of persecution in the world. May we strive to remain faithful and true to our Lord that we may watch for His coming with eager anticipation of deliverance to eternal life. Even so come, Lord Jesus, and help us hold fast to what we have.

With the picture of the vine and the branches Jesus speaks to us of how He alone is our source of life and strength. He is the vine and we are the branches. Attached to Jesus we will bring forth much fruit. Unproductive and dead branches are pruned and thrown into the fire. But we are attached to the Lord Jesus and He gives us strength. While we can do nothing good apart from Him, attached to Him we shall live fruitful lives to the glory of God the Father. As we abide in His love Jesus is our source of true and everlasting joy.