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2014-06-01 — Jesus’ Ascension Grants Us Great Assurance of Faith

Sunday after Ascension: Date: June 1, 2014

– THE SERMON: John 14:1-6

Theme: Jesus’ Ascension Grants Us Great Assurance of Faith
I. He Prepares a Place for Us
II. Jesus Announces the Hope of Our Ascension
III. Jesus Reveals the Way to Heaven

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 213; 212; 216; 221:1,2

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 24:50-53
Luke reports in his gospel how Jesus led the disciples out as far as Bethany, and there ascended into heaven. Even as He ascended Jesus raised His hands, blessing them. His ascension continues to be a blessing for us all. We are assured that we shall go where He has gone. This was His mission and His ascension assures us of mission success. Also even as His visible presence was removed from us, His promise to be with us everywhere was made possible.
This psalm prophesies of the ascension of our Lord. It tells us of how Jesus was to be received to power, glory and majesty at God’s right hand until the end of time. Jesus rules, even though we see the Lord’s enemies all about us. We gladly serve Him in this world as His glorious will is done. And He continues to serve us as our High Priest forever, making intercession for us before the throne of God.