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2014-08-03 — Jacob’s Dream Illustrates Our Covenant

8th Sunday after Pentecost: Date: August 3, 2014

– THE SERMON: Genesis 28:10-22

Theme: Jacob’s Dream Illustrates Our Covenant
Relationship with God
I. God’s Revealed Presence
II. God’s Covenant Grace
III. Faith’s Response to God’s Grace

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (38:1-3)
HYMNS: 744; 243; 53; 38:4
As Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel in the city of Lystra, Paul observed how a disabled man with crippled feet listened. He saw that the man believed, and had faith to be healed. Paul said, “Stand up straight on your feet,” and the man was healed. However the people there did not come to the proper confusion that the power of Jesus had done this. Instead they began to praise Paul and Barnabas as if they were gods. In horror Paul and Barnabas protested and directed the people to praise the one true God of all the earth!

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Matthew 13:44-46
How precious and rare is the kingdom of God in our lives! WE should be not only willing but eager to give up all that we have that we might possess it. Such extreme sacrifice is not demanded of us. God comes to us freely with His gospel. However may we be led to appreciate that the gospel and our faith relationship with the Lord is indeed our greatest and rarest treasure.