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2014-11-02 — Waiting Patiently for the Lord

21st Sunday after Pentecost : Date: November 2, 2014

– THE SERMON: James 5:7-11

Theme: Waiting Patiently for the Lord
I. Waiting Patiently for His Coming
II. Waiting Patiently for His Deliverance

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (798:1,4)
HYMNS: 26; 437; 423; 779:4

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 10:17-22
The seventy disciples Jesus had sent out were amazed by the power of God that was evident as they went out among the people. These were not the highly esteemed religious figures of Jewish society, but common people who sat at Jesus’ feet! To them Jesus revealed the truth that saves. They were led to know the Father by the Son, and to know the Son of God as their Savior. We praise the Lord that in His grace He has also revealed to us the saving truth of God.
The LORD declares, “In quiet and confidence shall be your strength.” Where does one find such quiet and confidence? It is not found within the strength or power of wisdom which we possess of ourselves. It is found in the Lord. “We will wait upon the LORD that He may be gracious to us!”(v.18). Then He is exalted and not man. It is not the mighty of this world that are exalted by the Lord, but the humble who are poor in spirit. When the Lord hears our cry for mercy and help He will be gracious to hear and deliver us.