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2014-11-23 — The Glories of Judgment Day

Last Sunday after Pentecost : Date: November 23, 2014

– THE SERMON: Revelation: 7:9-17

Theme: The Glories of Judgment Day
I. The Gathering of the Elect
II. Glorifying the God of our Salvation
III. Entering the Bliss of Eternal Life

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 246; 611; 605; 50:2,3
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Hebrews 12;18-24
The choice is set before us, to approach God through Sinai or to approach God through Zion. At Sinai God presented Himself in view of the law which we have not kept. At Sinai one sees God as a consuming fire. At Zion the Lord presents Himself through Christ whose sacrifice appeased God’s wrath. Through Zion God presents Himself to us in grace and peace. Thank God that by faith in Jesus we come to God in grace and peace, and shall be received into eternal life.

Jesus has received all authority through the Father, including all judgment, for it is the atoning blood of Christ that alone makes us righteous before God. All should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. If we do not so honor Jesus as God neither do we honor the Father who sent Him. If we hear Jesus’ word and believe in Him who sent Jesus, we have passed from death to life. The day is coming when all the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and all who hear shall live.