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2015-04-26 — The Good Shepherd Brings Security to His Flock

3rd Sunday after Easter: Date: April 26, 2015

– THE SERMON: Ezekiel 34:23-31

Theme: The Good Shepherd Brings Security to His Flock
I. The Security Found in the Covenant of Peace
II. Our Security in a Dangerous World
III. Secure in our Relationship with God

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p 5 (248:1-3)
HYMNS: 436; 783; 368; 51

Jesus is the Shepherd of the sheep. He approaches us just as prophesied by the Lord. The door is opened to Him and we hear the voice of our shepherd and follow Him where He leads us. Jesus has come that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. He gives us eternal life. He is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep. He laid down His life for the sheep and He took His life back again. He knows His sheep and gathers us together into one flock, even as there is one Shepherd.
The Lord promises to search for His scattered sheep wherever they are scattered. While this was a comfort for the Jews in the Babylonian captivity, it is also an expression of God’s grace for us today. He gathers us into His fold and cares for us: feeding us upon the good pastures of His Word, and binding up our spirits with His forgiving grace.