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2015-05-17 — Alleluia! Celebrating the Blessing of Jesus’ Ascension

Sunday after Ascension: Date: May 17, 2015

– THE SERMON: Psalm 110

Theme: Alleluia! Celebrating the Blessing of Jesus’ Ascension
I. Jesus Rules over All the Earth
II. Jesus Serves as a High Priest who Rules
III. Jesus Shall Return with Judgment and Justice

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 212; 221; 738; 223:1,5
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Ephesians 1:15-23
The Lord would have us comprehend the wonders of grace that are revealed in Jesus’ ascension. We possess the hope of His calling and the riches of the glory of His inheritance connected to those whom He has called to be holy through faith in His name. The greatness of God’s power for our salvation is revealed in Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. He placed Jesus, His Son, and our Brother in the position of power over all the earth for time and eternity so that He might direct all things for the good of His Church.

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 24:50-53
The facts are plain and straightforward, which make them no less amazing and glorious. Jesus lifted up His hands and blessed His disciples and was parted from them and carried up into heaven. This continues to bring us cause to worship Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and brings joy to our hearts.
