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2014-05-11 — What Makes Jesus Our Good Shepherd

3rd Sunday after Easter: Date: May 11, 2014

– THE SERMON: John 10:1-11

Theme: What Makes Jesus Our Good Shepherd
I. The Good Shepherd’s Personalized Care of the Sheep
II. The Good Shepherd is the Way to Eternal Life
III. The Good Shepherd Gives His Life for the Sheep

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (426:1-4)
HYMNS: 27; 783; 410; 631
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Revelation 3:1-6
Jesus sent letters to the churches in Revelation. As our Shepherd He expresses His concerns that we may have a reputation of having a living faith, but actually be dead, or dying. He urges repentance, exhorting us to remember how we heard at the beginning, and to hold to that truth as we had before. He knows who has been true. Let us be diligent to be faithful and true that we may overcome the enticements of the world, and be clothed in the white garments of Jesus’ righteousness. Only then shall Jesus confess our name before the Father that we might inherit eternal life.

The Lord promised to establish one shepherd over His people, His servant David. With this prophecy being written long after David died, this is a prophecy regarding Jesus and how He would be our Shepherd. As our Shepherd He will provide for us, and keep us in a safe place and deliver us from all our enemies. The Lord assures us, “You are My flock, the flock of My pasture, … and I am your God.”