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2014-05-25 — The Letter to Laodicea: A Wake-up Call from the Lord.

5th Sunday after Easter: Date: May 25, 2014

– THE SERMON: Revelation 3:7-11

Theme: The Letter to Laodicea: A Wake-up Call from the Lord.
I. Jesus Disdains a Tepid Faith
II. Jesus Is the Only Source of the Spiritual Necessities of Life
III. Jesus Is Knocking on Your Door

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (238:3-5)
HYMNS: 281; 779; 408; 409:1

THE GOSPEL LESSON: John 14:13-21
When we put our faith in Jesus we also have placed our faith in the Father who sent Him. All that Jesus taught He did not speak on His authority alone, but it also expresses the gracious good will of God for us and our salvation. Great power has come to us through faith in Christ. With the power of the gospel we will not heal men’s bodies, but rather the greater miracle of conveying life to their souls.
The chastisements of the Lord will come into the lives of His people, but they shall not be endless. Rather the Lord’s loving-kindness is what lasts forever. Even the hills and the mountains shall depart, but the kindness of the Lord our Redeemer, and the covenant of His peace shall never be removed from us. We may endure affliction in this life, but after this life we will enjoy the glories of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.