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2014-09-14 — Life in Christ Shows Forth His Glory

14th Sunday after Pentecost: Date: September 14, 2014

– THE SERMON: Mark 5:13-19

Theme: Life in Christ Shows Forth His Glory
I. Living as a Light and as Salt in the Earth
II. Honoring Christ by Observing God’s Word

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

THE ORDER OF SERVICE: p. 5 (248:1-3)
HYMNS: 20; 351; 360; 453:2
In his farewell address to the Ephesian congregation the Apostle Paul reminds the elders there of how carefully he conducted himself; careful not to discredit the gospel of Christ. He taught them the truth, all the truth, and only the truth of the gospel. He encouraged them to be faithful in caring for the flock of God, and to beware of the false teachers whom he likened to savage wolves. Finally Paul commended them to God and the grace of the gospel. This exhortation is important for us all, that we might remember that all we do and teach reflects on Christ our Savior, and impacts the spiritual welfare of others.

David thought he could cover his own sin. He thought he could get away with the sin of adultery and murder. He wasn’t willing to see his own guilt, until the Prophet Nathan pointed it out and declared boldly, “You are the man!” David’s sin led others to blaspheme, and so the chastisement of the Lord was necessary in David’s life, that all might know that the Lord did not approve or think lightly of David’s sin. Let us remember always that our every action is seen by the world and either glorifies or defames our Savior.