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2014-10-26 — Blessings Delivered to Us Through God’s Word

20th Sunday after Pentecost : Date: October 26, 2014

– THE SERMON: John 8:30-36

Theme: Blessings Delivered to Us Through God’s Word
I. The Saving Power of Jesus’ Word
II. The Knowledge of the Truth
III. Freedom From Sin’s Slavery

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 224; 261; 292; 283
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Hebrews 13:7-9
On this Reformation we will remember those who have gone before us and presented the Word of God to us. That we may follow their example. In a time that some call post-modernism, when everything is supposed to be socially relevant and politically correct let us remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. His truth of life and salvation shall not change; neither shall the need and relevance of that message.

THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: 2 Chronicles 29:12-19
In the first year of his reign King Hezekiah ordered a purification of the temple. A number of the Levites responded and began to purge the temple of all debris and implements of false worship and idolatry. They stuck with the job until it was completed, when they reported back to the king that all was properly prepared and sanctified before the altar of the Lord. May we also cleanse ourselves of all that detracts from true worship and sanctify ourselves to serve the Lord with diligence and zeal.