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2015-03-29 — Honoring Jesus as Savior and Lord

Palm Sunday : Date: March 29, 2015

– THE SERMON: John 12:1-19

Theme: Honoring Jesus as Savior and Lord
I. Personally Honoring Jesus as Lord and Savior
II. Publicly Praising Jesus as our Redeemer King

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

Bulletin: Read Bulletin

Sermon: Read Sermon

HYMNS: 160; 162; 725; 161:3
THE EPISTLE LESSON: Hebrews 12:1-6
On this Palm Sunday we also should respond with reverence and respect toward Jesus. We do this in our lives by staying focused on Jesus, and not so focused on ourselves, our problems, distress, or even what inconvenience we may face for the sake of the truth. We have not suffered anything compared to the sufferings Christ endured for our salvation. The problems that do arise come only from Him who loves us and seeks to keep us on track in our faith.

THE GOSPEL LESSON: Matthew 21:1-17
As that Holy Week began Jesus was focused on His office as the Christ. He entered Jerusalem as our Savior King, entering with humility and yet receiving the honor due the Messiah the Son of David. He cleansed the temple of the marketing and corruption that spoiled true worship, and received the praises of children who sang forth the saving truth about Jesus so that it rang out before the world.