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St. Paul’s Library

Important Doctrinal positions of St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church and our fellowship; the Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC)

CLC Statement on Faith and Purpose – A small pamphlet that briefly and simply explains some of our doctrinal positions.

Introduction to the CLC – A short and concise introduction to our fellowship

History of the CLC – also shows the difference between the CLC and other Lutherans

Concerning Church Fellowship (CCF) – The CLC’s statement on the important Scriptural principle of church fellowship

Concerning Church and Ministry (CCM) – Statement on the Relation of Synod and Local Congregation to the Holy Christian Church.

Thought-Provoking Tracts

An Ongoing Need: Educating Our Children For The Real World – A booklet which shows the importance of Christian education.

Christian Resources

God’s Hand In Our Lives – The new CLC Sunday school series for grades K-8 in Adobe Acrobat format and free to anyone for downloading. Click on the link above or access the series at Teachers notes are also available.