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Acts 16:29-31; Revelation 2:10b

2014-07-27 — Confirming Your Baptismal Covenant

Confirmation Sunday: Date: July 27, 2014

– THE SERMON: Acts 16:29-31; Revelation 2:10b

Theme: Confirming Your Baptismal Covenant
I. A Covenant of Grace
II. A Covenant for Life
HYMN: 334 Let Me Be Thine Forever
RITE OF CONFIRMATION: On this day Teah Kesler and Caidyn Kruse, having been instructed in the principle doctrines of the Christian faith as they are taught in Luther’s Small Catechism, confirm the covenant they have made with their Redeemer God, and will be received into communicant membership in St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church.
BENDICTION. Congregation: Amen; Amen; Amen.
HYMN: W.S. 800 Go My Children With My Blessing

( Pastor Theodore Barthels )

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